US Presidential Debate 2020 and how it unfolded!


Hello Everyone,

If you have not watched the Presidential Debate 2020 between the representatives Donald Trump and Joe Biden, here I wanted to portray my views and do let me know what you think in comments. Suggesting to read the post till the end.

  1. First of all, I don’t compare with the Assembly debate that happens in India with United States. Debates and discussions in Indian Constituency are more ghastly and much taunting compared to what is witnessed in this debate between the Presidential candidates this year. Not to mention, we have seen more of flame thrower arguments in India, and we are used to it. Yes, it looks odd and mortifying sometimes and becomes a topic of intended puns for other nations but that is how we prove “Survival of the fittest” in India. Yes there are ways of Improving how it works, but we can discuss that later.
  2. Below were the points of discussion
    • Trump’s and Biden’s records
    • Supreme Court
    • Coronavirus Pandemic
    • Race and violence
    • Election Integrity
    • Economy
  3. US Presidential Debate 2020 was more of “blaming each other game than proving what exactly the teams would implement, if elected. I agree that the Moderator Chris Wallace, of Fox News, provided 2 mins to speak out for every burning issues, but a simple elucidation on how every issue would be managed to bring equilibrium in the country would manage to uplift the best of the two. How both of them represented in the debate, exposed their sense of abhorrence for each other. It was a laugh, when two top leaders stressed more on accusations rather than argumentation of the issue, when asked how each of them would tackle the situations.
  4. How the debate unfolded? – Trump intended to mock and ridicule Biden at first and proved to be more dominating with his interruptions. Guess where we have seen similar gestures of him? – Yes, at press conferences where he used to shut down questions from reporters and claimed they were paid media. Facts apart, Trump made Joe stumble and distract on the delivering his part of speech. Joe was at times suppressed by Trumps’ insults and flame throwers. As usual, Trump made some false claims as well. Basically, he proved a good manipulative acumen to elevate Republicans.
  5. How both performed by poll? – Post debate, CNN poll found that 60% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 28% thought Trump had. According to CBS News poll, 48% of people thought Biden won, 41% of people thought Trump won, while 10% considered it a tie. In the same poll, 83% of the respondents believed the tone of the debate was negative, while 17% believed it was positive.

Summary: The debate was a blame game play of the representatives, rather than a thoughtful representation on how to solve the issues. In my opinion, if republicans wins the election, next 4 years will be much tougher for the world to bear United States from every point of view. United States and Trump would be on top of every news article, but with all sorts of wrong reasons that 2020 has shown. On the contrary, if Democrats wraps up the election on November 3rd, United States would not emerge the best country but would mean to be just another ordinary nation with probably good initiatives but with less leadership qualities.